International Congress on Biotechnology and Food Sciences
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Accepted Abstracts
Effects of Graded Doses of Flaxseed (Linum Usitatissimum) on Learning and Memory and the Possible Toxic Effects in Systemic Organs- An Experimental Study in Wistar Albino Rats
Regina Roy*
Karuna Medical College, India
A Study on Adverse Effects of Antidepressants in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Lavakumar Somu*
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, India
Microbial Inhibition of Kappa-Carrageenan Filled with Nano rod-Rich Zinc Oxide (Kc/Zno-N)
Judy Ann H Brensis, Flyndon Mark S Dagalea, Karina Milagros R Cui-Lim*
University of Eastern Philippines, Philippines
Therapeutic Agents Used in Huntingtons Disease: Analytical Methods for their Determination in Biological Fluids
Chika J Mbah*
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Introducing the Sorush Cancer Treatment Protocol (SCTP)
Sorush Miknamian*
Liberty University, USA
Effect of Cowpea Flour Inclusion on the Storage Characteristics of Composite Wheat-Cowpea Bread
Alimi JP*, Ahemen SA, Oklo AD, Alimi JO and Iluebbey PO
Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute, Nigeria
Synthesis, Characterization, and Invitro Oxidative Properties Study of the New Schiff Base 2-((4-Nitrobenzylidene) Amino) Acetic Acid
Ishraq Jasim Hasan*
University of Misan, Iraq
Marine and Natural products as COVID-19 active agents: An Overview
Kartikay Pandey*
Dr. Pandeys Laboratories and Research Foundation, India
Influence of Foliar Application of Zinc on the Yield, Quality and Storability of Potato
Md. Monirul Islam*
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh
An Innovative Approach to Food Safety Training for Temporary and Retail Operations
Robert Mancini*
University of Kansas State, Canada
Taste-Related Amino Acid Analysis Using Phenylthiocarbamyl (PTC) in Scallop
Hiroko Seki*
Tamagawa University, Japan
Does Air Pollution Make Bacteria Resistant To Antibiotics?
Harinatha Reddy Aswartha*
Sri Krishnadevaraya University, India
Interfacial Modification in Nanocomposites to Tailor Functionalities
Sabu Thomas*
Mahatma Gandhi University, India
Novel Triticin Protein in Wheat for Nutritional and Quality Enrichment
Sonia Goel*
SGT University, India
Isothiocyanates as H2S-Releasing Agents and Their Cardioprotective Effects
Valentina Citi*, Angela Corvino, Ferdinando Fiorino, Francesco Frecentese, Elisa Magli et al
University of Pisa, Italy
Assessment of Health Risks Involved in the Consumption of Aflatoxins from Peanuts and Roasted Cashew Nuts
Emenuga Veronica*, Uchendu Ikenna
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Antidyslipidaemic and Cardioprotective Effects of Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) in Rat Fed A High Cholesterol Diet
Ikenna K Uchendu*, Ifeoma B Ekeigwe, Ebuka B Nnedu, Ijeoma M Ifeorah, Emenuga Veronica
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Developing Novel Functional Foods with Immobilized Probiotic Cultures on Prebiotics
Grigorios Nelios, Anastasios Nikolaou, Panayiotis Panas and Yiannis Kourkoutas*
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Amyloid Beta Fibrils Disruption by Oleuropein Aglycone: Investigation of the Mechanism of Action of this Polyphenol From Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Simone Brogi*
University of Pisa, Italy
Characterization of Three Different Types of Pineapple Waste Powder
Norhayati H* and Sarah MW
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Microbacterium barkeri Sp. Sela 4, Characterization As A Novel Agar-Degrading Bacterium, Isolated from Soil Enriched with Laboratory Agar.
Shomini Parashar*, Narendra Kumar
IMS Engineering College, India
Ethosomes: An Advanced Approach to Transdermal Drug Delivery System
Shivendra Agarwal*, Girendra kumar Gautam
Bhagwant University, India
New Trends in the Use of Recycled Manure Solids in a Dairy Housing System with Free Stalls
Frantisek Zigo*, Gabriela Gregova, Jana Vyrostkova and Silvia Ondrasovicova
University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Slovakia
Bacteriophage Interventions in Foods to Combat Unwanted Bacterial Pathogens
Steven Hagens*
Micreos Food Safety, Netherlands
Use of Hyper Spectral Imaging to Estimate the Soy Flour Content in Dried Pasta
Antonietta Baiano*, Roberto Romaniello
University of Foggia, Italy
Is Methanolic Seed Extract of Nigella Sativa Truly Protective against Toxic Chemicals or Harmful To Tissues?
Ikenna Kingsley Uchendu*, Henshaw Uchechi Okoroiwu
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Honey Marketing, Structure and Conduct of Honey Market in Gozamen District, East Gojjam Zone, and Amhara Region
Sileshi Yeserah *, Abebe Jenberie and Desalegn Begna
Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute, Ethipoia
Determinants of Adoption of Wheat Row Planting: The Case of Wogera District, North Gondar Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
Yalemwork Amare*
Debertabor University, Ethiopia
Isolation, Characterization and Anti-Diabetic Potentials of Oleanolic Acid from the Leaves of Aspilia africana (Pers) C.D Adams (Asteraceae)
EC Johnson*, M Ilyas, OA Eseyin, EI Etim, AS Udobre et al
University of Uyo, Nigeria
CO2 Emission Estimation from Transportation Usage and Cycling Consideration in the Context of Green Campus, Naresuan University, Thailand
Taweesak Taekratok, Supansa Luansak*
Road Safety Research Unit, Thailand
Heterosis, Variance Components, Heritability and Correlation Studies on Single Cross Hybrids of Maize in South-Eastern Nigeria
Evans Ebuka Okoli*
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Nigeria
Assessment and Management Options of Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychidae: Tetranychus urticae Koch) on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Selected Districts of Eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia
Gebissa Yigezu*
Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Consumption and Acceptability Pattern of 21 Evaluated Maize Hybrids for Fresh Maize Production in South-Eastern Nigeria
EE Okoli, EN Ngonadi*
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Nigeria
Effects of Goat Manure-Based Vermicompost on Soil Chemical Properties Under Garlic Production in Meru South and Manyatta Sub-Counties
Vincent Makini Gichaba*
Chuka University, Kenya
Preparation and Evaluation of Goat Manure-Based Vermicompost for Organic Garlic Production in Manyatta sub-county, Kenya
Vincent Makini Gichaba*
Chuka University, Kenya
Phytochemical Constituents and Antidiarrhoeal Activities of Ethanolic Extract of Maesobotryabarteri (Bush Cherry) Leaves in Albino Rats
Ikekhide Friday, Essien Eka Bassey, Felicia Nmeazi Okwakpam *
Rivers State University, Nigeria
Near-Fatal Overdose of Self-Medication with Cardiotoxic Fenugreek, as Herbal Food Supplements, to Correct her Newly Diagnosed Hyperglycaemia
Vivekanshu Verma*
Medanta - The Medicity, India
School Students Perceptions on Snakes, their Uses, and Snakebite in Nepal: Implications for Snake Conservation and Snakebite Prevention
Pandey DP*, Chaudhary B, Subedi Pandey G, Piya RC and Devkota NR
Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
Effect of Dose and Duration of Stir-Fried Gude Beans Tempe (Cajanus cajan) to Fasting Blood Glucose Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Budiyanti Wiboworini*, Siti Utami Sulasty and Sugiarto
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Genetic Polymorphism in Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. Using RAPD Markers
Shivani Dobhal*, Ashok Kumar and BN Hazarika
College of Horticulture and Forestry, India
Effects of Microbial Organic Fertilizer and Mulch to Population and Bioactivity of Beneficial Microorganisms in Tea Soil in Phu Tho, Vietnam
Tu Vu Ngoc* and Toan Nguyen Van
Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI), Vietnam
Identification of Genetic Variant in Buffalo Genome Using ddRAD Sequence
Anjan Kumar Pradhan*, SR Martha, DC Mishra, KK Chaturbedi
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, India
The Benefits Of Chicory (Cichorium intybus) As A Medicinal Plant In Food Biotechnology
Bulya TE*, Gluhareva T, Agembo E
Ural Federal University, Russia
Weight Status at Postpartum: Being Normal Weight yet Centrally Obese!
Rebecca Cherono*
Ollessos Technical Training Institute, Kenya
Climate Change Effect on Composition of Insects, Ants and Weeds Composition in 11 Years Time
Meriam MY*
Malaysian Cocoa Board, Malaysia
Nuclear Inverse Polarity Papillary Lesions with Lack Myoepithelial Cells: A Report of Two Cases
Shinya Tajima*, Nobuhiko Matsumoto, Motohiro Chosokabe, Akira Endo, Saeko Naruki et al
St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Japan
Micro Minerals Profile of Forbs and Grasses at Flowering and Seed set Stages for Grazing Ruminants in Sudan
Sahar Ezzat*, B Fadlalla and Hala Ahmed
Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan
Over-Reliance on Industrial Agropesticides: The Bane of Ecological Pollution in Sub-Sahara Africa Agricultural System- Search for Phytochemical Alternatives
Christian C Iwuagwu*
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
An Assessment of Organic Carbon Fractions in Paddy and Associated Non-Paddy Soil of the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam
ZA Phillips* and RM Karmakar
University of Guyana, Guyana
Relation of Bone Mass to Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Lifestyle Factors in Japanese
Yoichi Tachi*, Yuri Sakamoto, Pao-Li Wang and Kaoruko Iida
Tokyo Kasei University, Japan
Sensory Evaluation of Syneresis Reduced Jam and Marmalade Containing Gum Arabic from Acacia senegal var. kerensis
Ruth I Kavaya*, Mary N Omwamba, Ben N Chikamai, Symon M Mahungu
Egerton University, Kenya
Effect of Using Plant Extracts with Coating Materials on Physicochemical Quality of Tomato Fruit (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Stored at Ambient Temperature
Desta Dugassa Fufa*, Solomon Abera, Vasanth Kumar
Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Does Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors Affect Adoption of Agricultural New Technologies in Ethiopia: Evidence from Review
Birhanu Melesse*
University of Gondar, Ethiopia
Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Cake Made from Blends of Pigeon Pea, Sweet Potato and Wheat Flours
Sogo James Olatunde*
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria
An Assessment of Rural Women Farmers Access to Agricultural Production Resources in Kogi State, Nigeria
Sunday Moses Oluyomi* , Laisi Babatunde Audu
Kogi State College of Education, Nigeria
Enhancement of Blood Cholesterol Level Relating to Edible Reused Cooking Oil Uptake in White Experimental Albino Rats
Mutaz Mohamed Ahmed Elshiekh*
Ahfad University For Women-Ahfad Center for Science and Technology (AUW-ASCT), Sudan
Quality Characteristics Integration and Relationship in Basmati Rice is Useful for Checking Adulteration and Admixture
Rauf Ahmad*
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Pakistan
The Contribution of Managed Honey Bees to Crop Pollination, Food Security and Economic Stability: Case of Ethiopia
Zekiros Fikadu*
Aksum University, Ethiopia
Comparison of Serum Level of Anti-mullerian Hormone in Fertile and Infertile Women in South West Nigeria
Oke EO*, Oke OF, Ogunro PS, Salawu AA, Akande JO et al
Bowen University Iwo, Nigeria
Why Fried Food is Unhealthy: Heat Induced Food Toxicants and Associated Health Risks
Fikiru Waldageorgis Dase* and Tilahun Abera
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia
A Review: Study of Multi-Ovary Wheat and Yield Contributing Traits
Maria Ayoub* and Nawal Zafar
Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Pakistan
Soil Nutrient Variability and Site-Specific Nutrient Management in Rice for an Intensive Rice-Based Cropping System in Western Foot Hills of Nepal
S Marahatta* and SK Sah
Agriculture and Forest University (AFU), Nepal
Increasing Productivity of an Intensive Rice Based System Through Site Specific Nutrient Management in Western Terai of Nepal
S Marahatta* and SK Sah
Agriculture and Forest University (AFU), Nepal
Bioactivity of Four Important Plants Used in Traditional Rice Beer Starter Culture of Assam
Radali Duarah* and Mridula Saikia Barooah
Assam Agricultural University, India
Assessment of Antioxidant and Nutritional Properties of Euryale ferox Salisbury in Assam, India
Asmita Singha* and Pratap Jyoti Handique
Gauhati University India
Technology of Fermented Arabica Coffee Beans (Arabica Coffee) with Ohmic Fermentation Technology to Produce Specialty Coffee
Reta*, Salengke, Mursalim, Junaedi Muhidong, Arnida Mustafa et al
Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, Indonesia
Characterization of Ph-Sensitive Films Based on Hybrid Biopolymer and Anthocyanins Extract
Erna Husna Kana*, Kobun Rovina
Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Diatomaceous Earth Usage in the Agriculture Sector in Uganda and Its Characterization: Current Status and Anticipated Developments
Robert Alex Isabirye*
National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda
Ingestion Foreign Bodies in Rumen and Reticulum of Shoats in Hargeisa, Somalia: Prevalence and the Associated Risk Factors
Ahmed Mohamoud Omar Mouse*
Mekelle University, Somalia
Assessment of Quality of Shea Butter Sourced from Organic and Inorganic Fields
Albert Kojo Quainoo*
University for Development Studies, Ghana
Assessment of Major Constraints of Dairy Cattle and Its Associated Risk Factors in Mekelle City, Ethiopia
Ahmed Ali Farah*
Mekelle University, Somalia
The Kinetics of Total Phenolic Content and Monomeric Flavan-3-ols during the Roasting Process of Criollo Cocoa
Editha Fernandez-Romero, Segundo G Chavez-Quintana, Raul Siche, Efrain M Castro-Alayo,* and Fiorella P Cardenas-Toro
Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Peru
Food Science and Technology: Composite Structure and Complexity of Food
University of Maroua, Cameroon
Nutritional Values, Chemical Compositions and Antimicrobial Activities of Fruit Juice From Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Blends
Olayinka Ogunmefun T, Oluwakemi Asoso S*, Olatunji BP, Omotola Ogundele M
Afe Babalola University,Nigeria
Wine Produced from Bioconversion of Ripe Plantain Fruit Juice Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Isolated from Burkutu
Mohammed SSD*, Aliyu R
Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja
Degree Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural Practices Targeting Sustainable Agriculture in the Territory of Gandajika from 2015 to 2017 in the DRC
Alain Katayi Lusuka*
Official university of Mbujimayi, Democratic Republic of Congo
Toxic Elements Accumulation in Vegetables from Soil Collected from the Vicinity of a Fertilizer Factory and Possible Health Risk Assessment
YN Jolly*, Shirin Akter, KM Mamun, J Kabir, MS Rahman et al
Atomic Energy Centre Dhaka, Bangladesh
Potential of Herbal Extracts of Kashmir (India) as Growth and Immune Modulators in Coldwater Aquaculture
Oyas Ahmed Asimi*
Effect of Sorghum-tigernut Ibyer (A Traditional Gruel) on the Fasting Blood Glucose Levels of Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
Shalem Shiekuma*, Moses Ukeyima, Msendoo Janet Ahuah, Idoko Blessing and Terzungwe Tughgba
Federal University of Agriculture, Nigeria
Modulator Complex Nutraceuticals
John Osuku Opio*
Integrated Therapy (UK) Ltd., UK
Understanding Conflict, Understanding Food Crop Production: Perspective of the Situation in the Nakpayili Community, Ghana
Samuel Marfo*, George Gyader, Alhassan Iddi Shenashe
University for Development Studies, Ghana
Digital Image Processing for Predicting the Maturity Stage of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Fresh Fruit Bunch
Mohd. Hudzari Bin Haji Razali*
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Nutritional Composition of Raw Cashew (Anarcardium occidantale) Nuts Sourced from Enugu State, South Eastern Nigeria
Nkwocha Chinelo C*, Nworah Florence N, Uchendu Nene O and Ekeanyanwu Raphael C
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Rice in Ethiopia: Research Achievements, Potential and Challenges in Ethiopia
Abebaw Dessie*
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia
Paradox of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Food Surplus Area of Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia
Daniel Alemu Gobena*
Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Storage Stability Assessment of Extruded Rice and Maize Based Snacks Enriched with Fish
Andrew Nkubana*
Institute of Applied Sciences, Rwanda
The Proximate Composition of Rain Tree (Samanea saman) Pod Samples
Uzoukwu AE, Onuh EF and Chukwu MN*
Abia State Polytechnic, Nigeria
Analysis of Sheep Value Chain: The Case of Abera Area, Sidama Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Tizazu Toma Dilebo*
Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia
Impact of Degumming on the Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties of Citrullus lanatus (Watermelon) Seed Oil
Victor O Apeh*, Kenchukwu V Iloabuchi, Kingsley O Omeje, Eze E Gabriel, Obi U Njoku et al
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Obesity in Relation to Risk Factors and Socioeconomic Conditions Among School-Age Children at Khartoum State 2011/2012
Suzan Ali Yousif Abo*
Al Baha University, Saudi Arabia
Dietary Diversity and its Associated Factors Among Urban and Rural Children Aged 6-23 Months in Guagusa Shikudad Woreda, Awi Zone, North West Ethiopia, 2018
Sileshi Berihun Delele*
Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
Lindera glauca (Siebold et Zucc.) Blume Stem Extracts Protect Against Oxidative Stress
Beong-Ou Lim*
Konkuk University, South Korea
Characterization and Optimization of Rice Noodles with Different Rice Cultivars: Perspective of Food Product Development
Iftekhar Ahmad*, Wasi-ur-Rahman and Rayhan Uddin
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Growth of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Isolated From Crab Meat Homogenate: Evaluation of Some Nutritional and Cultural Requirements
Ogbonnaya Nwokoro*, Ijeoma J Uzoigwe, Ogechi H Ekwem
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Biochemical and Sensory Characterizations of the Sap From Inflorescences of the Improved Hybrids PB121 and PB113 of Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L.), Developed in Cote d Ivoire
Konan Jean Louis Konan*, Ysidor Konan, Muriel Djeya Okoma
National Agronomic Research Centre , Cote d Ivoire
Nutraceuticals from Medicinal Herbs – As Food Supplement
DD Patra*
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, India
Investigation of Heavy Metals Composition in Selected Abakaliki Herbal Preparations and Modern Medicines for Management of Disease Conditions in Abakaliki Ebonyi State Nigeria
Ali Fredrick Ugadu*, OF Orinya, MC Ominyi, LN Ebenyi, RC Ogbuatu et al
Ebonyi State University, Nigeria
Application of the Box–Behnken Design for the Optimization of Processing Variables in White Kenkey Production
Charlotte Oduro-Yeboah*, Esther Sakyi-Dawson , Firibu Kwesi Saalia, Christian Mestres, Genevieve Fliedel et al
University of Ghana, Ghana
SWOT Analysis of Livestock Smallholders Status in Rural and Nomads Regions of Iran
Farhad Mirzaei*
Animal Science Research Institute, Iran
On Farm Phenotypic Characterization of Local Cattle Populations in Hadiya Zone, Southern Region, Ethiopia
Wondimu Ayele Lombebo* Negassi Ameha Zeleke
Wachemo University, Ethiopia
Disabled People and Food: A study about the close links between nutrition and disability
Joao Vicente Ganzarolli de Oliveira*
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Biochemical Changes in the Malnourished Rats Serum and Liver Exposed to Dietary Monosodium Glutamate
Babawande A Origbemisoye*, Badiu A Akinbode, Ganiyat A Oparemi
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Quality Characterisation of Biscuits From Blends of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranea), Ground Bean Seed (Macrotyloma) and Moringa Seed (Moringa Oleifera) Flour
Justina Y Talabi, Babawande A Origbemisoye*, Beatrice O Ifesan, Victor N Enujuigha
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Analysis of Development in Solar Greenhouses
Abdeen Mustafa Omer*
Energy Research Institute (ERI), UK
Edible Insects in Packaged Food: Market Obstacles and Opportunities
Massimo Reverberi*
Bugsolutely Thailand, Thailand
The Outcome of Radiotherapy (Rapid Arc) Versus Supportive Care in Management of Inoperable Hepatocellular Carcinoma Not Amenable to Local Ablative Therapies
A Mounir, S Nassar*
Cairo university, Egypt
Determination of Total Phenol, Flavonoid and Condensed Tannin in Five Commercial Extracts
Bachir Raho Ghalem*
Mascara University, Algeria
Utilization and Conservation of Natural Resources through People’s Participation in Karnali Region, Nepal
Kabi Prasad Pokhrel*
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Pesticides and Cancer Amongst Farmers in Richard-Toll, North of Senegal
El Hadji Seydou Mbaye*, Aminata Tijani, Aboubacar Gassama, Fatou B Sar, Mamadou Fall et al
Aristide Le Dantec Hospital, Senegal
Isolation and Enumeration of Fungi and Determination of Contributing Factors to Fungal Spoilage in Maize (Zea mays L.) Originated from East and West Shewa Zones of Oromia, Ethiopia
Temesgen Assefa*, Teshome Geremew
Debre Berhan University, Ethopia
Health Impacts of Aflatoxin and Control of Aflatoxigenic Fungi
Temesgen Assefa*
Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia
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