4th International Conference on Biomedical and Cancer Research
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Accepted Abstracts

Assessment of ocular candidiasis among mine workers and non-mine workers in Ishiagu quarry mining area of Ebonyi State, South-East region, Nigeria

Peter Nwakuche*
Bayero University Kano, Nigeria

Citation: Nwakuche P (2019) Assessment of ocular candidiasis among mine workers and non-mine workers in Ishiagu quarry mining area of Ebonyi State, South-East region, Nigeria. SciTech Biomed-Cancer Sciences 2019. Tokyo: Japan

Received: July 02, 2019         Accepted: July 05, 2019         Published: July 05, 2019


The study investigated the ocular candidiasis in quarry mining area of Ishiagu, in Ivo Local Government Area, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. A total of 230 persons within the age of 15 years and above were examined and 61 persons were observed to have ocular candidiasis, giving a general prevalence of 26.52%. The age bracket of 26 – 30 and 36 – 40 years were mostly affected while the least affected was 16 – 20 years. The prevalence of Ocular candidiasis was statistically significant (p<0.05) in male (32.30%) compared with female (19.00%).  Occupationally, Quarry workers were the most infected(47.27%),  followed by farmers (33.33%) and Artisans (22.50%) while the least were the scholars (6.66%) . The most common symptom among the infected individuals was pain (31.14%), followed by discharge (27.80%), while allergic reactions (itching) constituted (19.67%) with hyperemia (redness) being the least (16.39%). Candida species isolated were C. albicans (63.93% ), C. tropicalis (19.67%),C. stellatoidea (11.47%) and and C. utilis (5.97%). Among the non-candida isolates were Aspergillus (16.39%), Fusarium solani(11.47%), Penicillium species(9.83%) and  Rhototorula rubra (13.11%) The findings showed that gender, age and exposure to pathogens were risk factors for fungal infections in the area. Susceptibility of isolates after plasmid curing revealed 100% susceptibility of all organisms using fluconazole, variconazole and ketoconazole agents, ketoconazole showed 80% susceptibility with C. utilis. There is no resistance to the three agents. We therefore suggest that early detection of ocular candidiasis through laboratory services and availability of efficient and effective eye care services would go a long way to reduce the burden of impaired vision in our society.