52nd International Conference on Biomedical and Cancer Research
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Accepted Abstracts

Achar Rasayan - A Holistic Approach Towards Life

Pooja Sharma*1, Mayank Sharma2

1Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India NDN Durg C.G, India.
2Dept. of Rachana Sharir, AAMC, Aligarh, U.P, India.

Citation: Sharma P, Sharma M (2024) Achar Rasayan - A Holistic Approach Towards Life. SciTech Biomed-Cancer 2024.

Received: June 12, 2024         Accepted: June 14, 2024         Published: June 14, 2024


Ayurveda, a life-science, holds a scientific approach towards life and the mode of leading a life. It aims at maintenance of life, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Also, it describes ways to relieve the ailments of a diseased person. The life span and its quality can be improved by following proper lifestyles and dietary habits which are described as aahar-vihar in Ayurveda. These are described extensively under the headings of sadvritta and aahar vidhi visheshayatana. But, human beings have been god-gifted with a higher level of intellectual capacity that doesn't only restrains itself to fulfilling one's own bodily requirements like hunger, libido, etc. but also tends to take care of social well being. The social well being here refers to sadaachar i.e. how a person projects himself to the society. This quality of sadaachar can be obtained either by familial sanskar or by Aahar rasayan which Is exclusively and extensively explained in Ayurved. The word aachaar refers to conduct/ ethics/ deportment/ principles and the word Rasayan implies rejuvenation. Hence, the inferred meaning of Aachaar Rasayan is those conducts or principles that help in rejuvenation of our body physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. There is a wide list of such ethics to be followed, including satyawadan, Akrodh, Ahimsa, Shouch, Japa, Dhairya, Daan, Madya/ Maithun Nivritti, Santosh, etc. The significance of Aachaar Rasayan lies in the fact that if neglected, these may afflict our body in all aspects ranging from physical illness to mental and emotional disturbances like hypertension, hormonal imbalances causing infertility, hyper/hypo thyroidism; alopecia, metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus, dementia, insomnia, sleep apnea, etc. The list is long. Hence, there is utmost need to understand the seriousness of the issue and take enormous concern.