International Conference on Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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Accepted Abstracts

A Review on frequency of Splenomegaly in Portal Hypertension

Talha Bin Saeed1, Noor-Ul-Ain2*, Rubina Ghafoor 3 ,Saleeha Sajjad4
1 Department of Internal Medicine, Allied Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan
2,4Department of Pharmacy, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan
3Department of Radiology, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan

Citation: Saeed TB, Ul-Ain N, Ghafoor R, Sajjad S (2021) A Review on frequency of Splenomegaly in Portal Hypertension. SciTech Biomed-Pharma Sciences 2021

Received: July 22, 2021         Accepted: July 24, 2021         Published: July 24, 2021


Portal vein acts as a major contributor of hepatic vascular supply about 75 % of its required arterial blood. Liver sinusoid consists of structure like hepatic artery and portal vein which is drained by centrilobular veins. The portal venous system comprises the portal vein and its tributaries namely, the splenic and mesenteric vein. The blood comprises all the nutrients absorbed in the GI tract, but it also carries contaminants that the liver metabolizes so that they can be safely excreted by the kidneys. Hence, any condition that causes injury to liver parenchyma consequently results in damage to the portal vein running adjacent to it. This study aims to analyzing patients with portal hypertension induced splenomegaly and figure out frequency of this complication. This study will also focus on finding out the major cause that leads to this complication. GE VERSANA USG MACHINE   with transducer having 3-5MHz frequency will be used. Portal hypertension with splenomegaly findings parameter will include. The portal vein diameter measuring >13 mm and splenic diameter will be >13cm. Findings on Gray scale and Doppler ultrasound; Portal vein diameter >13mm, A low flow velocity of <16cm/sec, Splenic hilum reveals Hepatofugal venous flow, Loss of respiratory variations, Splenic diameter >13cm Abdominal ascites. The frequency of splenomegaly in portal hypertension is increasing day by day due to various causes and making it as a concern for healthcare providers. So it is a need of hour to implement various medical as well as nonmedical strategies to avoid the further increase in the frequency of this type of organ failure. Keywords: Hepatic dysfunctioning, Splenomegaly, Bile flow, Acute disease, Pattern of disease
