Indonesia is known for the diversity of cultures, ethnicities, religions and linguistics that can be found in this country. The majority of the population lives with the culture of their ancestors who have been trusted for generations. Likewise, the handling of disease outbreaks must be carried out with a socio-cultural approach. This is because disease outbreaks and socio-cultural aspects are two things that cannot be separated. Related to the communication strategy for handling this pandemic situation, there are a series of efforts that are sporadic or not integrated in the community, for example regarding perceptions about disease, government policies regarding going home during Eid, the application of restrictions on social activities and others. Until now, there are still a series of behaviors that do not support limiting the spread of the Covid-19 disease, such as not wearing masks, not believing in vaccines, gathering in public areas without maintaining the recommended distance (1-2 meters), not washing hands regularly, and others. Covid-19 will last quite a while. It takes human adaptation, living in harmony with the disaster. Indonesia, has long known various ways and efforts of local communities to fight or cope with what they consider a disease. The essence of values, norms, and social organization related to disease means that health efforts, the causes and spread of disease as well as models of treatment and healing are influenced by the culture and civilization of the community according to the context of their locality. The challenges that currently occur are that people's understanding of the dangers of Covid-19 needs to be improved, there is widespread disinformation about Covid-19, public trust in the government in handling Covid-19 needs to be increased. Public communication strategy with a cultural approach in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, communication of Behavioral Change through systematic, comprehensive and massive public communication to break the Covid-19 chain and pentahelix collaboration from the government, media, the whole community with self-discipline, mutual cooperation, optimism and positive. In line with that, the use of local culture as social capital in treatment is also intended so that the cultural aspects remain lasting and relevant. Keywords: Cultural Approaches, Public Communication, Covid-19, and Indonesia. Abbreviations: Abbreviations are the short forms used in the abstract. The full names of all the abbreviations used in the abstract must be mentioned first in the text.