Research outcomes of Arab universities on COVID-19 pandemic providing insights on the epidemiology of the disease to elucidate risk factors and outcomes for spread, prediction, prevention, and treatment of COVID-19. Arab researchers of all fields are analyzing how COVID-19 spreads, how their pandemic affects their universities teaching and learning processes and how communities are coping with the pandemic lockdowns. Association of Arab universities (AARU) are developing best practices guides for online teaching, organizing many training workshops, webinars and holds many conferences to improve collaborative research across all AARU universities members. We analyzed COVID- 19 research outcomes of Arab universities by collecting research data from March 2020 to June 2021 from our universities members. As for the methodology, prize award was allocated and a call for application was submitted to Arab universities representing the 22 Arab targeted countries we received 632 in English language and 55 articles in Arabic language from United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Oman. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq. Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Mauritania. Somalia, Djibouti, We identified crucial research areas which were overlooked and written in English language and we found 225 articles in protection 177 in treatment and 175 in the spreading of the pandemic besides 5 registered patents
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, Research outcomes, Impact of COVID-19 teaching and research, Arab universities