Humanity today is facing an unprecedented, multi-level crisis. The combination of theCovid 19 pandemic and the looming economic consequences is leading to anunprecedented recession for society and the business world, which are now sailing inuncharted waters. The first part of the research provides a first assessment of the impact of the pandemicon the Greek economy and of the measures adopted to limit the negative effects,while the second part refers to the EU's response to the economic impact and thespecific measures that the EU is taking to support the economic recovery of its member states. The first section of part one describes the sectors affected by Covid 19. The secondsection presents the impact of Covid 19 on the Greek economy as a whole. The thirdsection presents the impact of Covid 19 on key measures of Greek firms. The second part of the research focuses on the recovery plan for Europe, theinstrument of temporary support for workers, the redistribution of EU funds to helpthe Member States most in need and support for the sectors most affected. The aim of the research is to capture the impact of the pandemic crisis on of Greekand European economy and societies as well as the views that have emerged on boththe main policy choices and the changes caused by the pandemic which in severalissues seems to act as a digital accelerator. A general conclusion to be drawn is that the pandemic tends to affect more the mostvulnerable social strata with lower educational and economic background, whichinfluences their views on both the health and economic aspects of the crisis.
Keywords: Covid 19, Impact, Response, Recovery plan, Uncertainty, Funds