11th International Virtual Seminar on COVID-19 Part II
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Accepted Abstracts

Flattening the Exponential Growth Curve of Covid-19 in Ghana and Other Developing Countries; Divine Intervention is a Necessity

Gabriel Obed Fosu* 
Presbyterian University College, Ghana

Citation: Fosu GO (2020) Flattening the Exponential Growth Curve of Covid-19 in Ghana and Other Developing Countries; Divine Intervention is a Necessity. SciTech Central COVID-19

Received: November 12, 2020         Accepted: November 16, 2020         Published: November 16, 2020


COVID-19 pneumonia has hit almost all countries of the world. Due to this, the coronavirus has been declared as a pandemic. The number of corona cases has been identified to be growing exponentially over time. To ease the pressure on these exponential curves, governments and heads of nations have put in place some measures. These include but not limited to total or partial lockdowns, sensitization on personal hygiene, and social distancing. The paper seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of these measures should the number of infections peaked in developing and poor countries. It was inferred that some of these measures could help tame the coronavirus in third world countries, but, total eradication of the virus would require heavenly intervention. A series of questions are left unanswered for readers’ deliberation.
Keywords: COVID-19; Ghana; Lockdowns; Social Distancing; Coronavirus.