The possible hazardous effects of radiations emitted from mobile phone have put major public concern today. Some studies concluded that these radiations caused damage to DNA, hormonal, metabolic changes, developmental delay, increased mortality rate, free radical production, and immunological effects while other studies have controversial effects and showed that electromagnetic field radiations had some beneficial effects also. This study was designed to observe the effects of exposure of electromagnetic radiations from mobile phones on histology of chick embryo liver. Freshly laid fertile hen eggs of ‘Rhode Island Red’ species were divided into Control group (Group A= 6 eggs) and exposed group (Group B=6 eggs). Both the groups were kept in separate incubator in 37°C temperature and 50-55% humidity was maintained. An exposed group had been kept with an active mobile device which was daily rung four times 15 minutes each during the period of incubation. The control as well as exposed embryos was extracted on day 14 of incubation. All the embryos were observed for mortality, if any, live embryos chilled to death and liver got dissected. The liver tissues were further processed for micro-technique and slides had been prepared from liver tissue. All the slides had been stained by double staining procedure and observed under light microscope. In radiation exposed liver sections, there were less no. of sinusoids, decreased hepatic cords, heavy bleeding in central and portal veins, dilated hepatic veins, and portal area congested with hepatocytes while control embryos showed normal structure of liver. There was an adverse effect of electromagnetic field exposure on chick embryo mortality. Also hazardous effects had been observed due to electromagnetic radiations emitted from mobile phones in chick embryo liver.
Chick embryo; EMF; Exposure; Liver; Mobile phone.