Antlions are a family of insects given the zoological classification Myrmeleontidae. The name is rooted in the Greek words myrmex (ant) and leon (lion). Since it preys primarily on ants, the antlion is, metaphorically speaking, a "lion" among ants. The name "antlion" best describes this insect's predacious larval form—a mottled gray or brown creature with an oversized head, spiny jaws, short legs, and a soft body covered in bristles. Along with the beneficial effects of ant lion in agriculture, they have been found to be containing various bioactive components of the class polypeptides and alkaloids; 4-hydroxyindoline-1-one, 2-(2- hydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxyisoindoline-1-one, sphingomyelinase and nerol oxides such as Nostrenol. They have been proved to be useful as therapeutic agents in treatment of various human ailments such as diabetes, convulsion and also in back pain. This review article summarizes some chemical constituents of the insect and some pharmacological uses as reported by various studies. There are only few studies about the uses of ant lion as bioactive agents although there are number of researches focusing on distribution, ecology and life cycles of ant lion. Highlight of few researches in this article suggest that there is a need of focusing study on the pharmacological uses of ant lion
Keywords: Antlion, Chemical components, Therapeutic uses, Drug discovery