Ayurveda is a renowned and well established system of medicine. Ayurveda system talks about basic constitution of individuals, which is termed as “Prakriti” in Charaka samhita. Prakriti helps to ascertain the predisposition and prognosis of disease. Ayurveda has investigated predictive medicines for variety of ailments with reference to the environment, aging, occupation trigger factors. Various Prakriti based research studies have revealed phenotypic datasets for understanding individual variations. Ultimately, such studies have found a significant correlation between Prakriti and genomic variations. Presently, poor predictivity of safety and efficacy in humans is deemed to be the cause of new drug attrition. Now, there is a critical need of Ayurveda based phenomics and pharmacogenomics to ordain most promising and reliable in-vitro and in – vivo database. These datasets along with computational probe such as in – silico drug design, computer aided drug design (CDD), computer aided molecular design (CAMD) and computer aided molecular modelling (CAMM) may be used to optimize the quantity and range of dosage for advance clinical assessment/ drug discovery.
Keywords: - Ayurveda, Prakriti, Pharmacogenomics, In-silico drug design, CDD, CAMD