Total Polyphenol and Vermicide Effect of the Hydro-Ethanolic Extract and Fractions of Bridelia ferrugenea Benth (Euphorbiaceae)
Gouollaly Tsiba1,2*, Blondy Mboungou1, Sarrha Boumba1, Marie Claire Makambila1, Pascal Robin Ongoka2 and Timoleon Andzi-Barhe2
1Institut National de Recherche en Sciences de la Sante (IRSSA), Congo
2 Université Marien Ngouabi, Congo
Citation: Tsiba G, Mboungou B, Boumba S, Makambila MC, Ongoka PR et al (2020) Total Polyphenol and Vermicide Effect of the Hydro-Ethanolic Extract and Fractions of Bridelia ferrugenea Benth (Euphorbiaceae). SciTech Central Pharma 2020. Mauritius
Received: February 21, 2020 Accepted: February 24, 2020 Published: February 24, 2020
The phytochemical study and vermicide activity of the hydro-ethanolic extract and fractions of Bridelia ferruginea Benth(Euphorbiaceae) showed that chromatographic profiles on thin Layer remained dominated by fluorescence compounds (orange yellow and bluish green and blue) symbolizing the presence of polyphenols (ortho dihydroxy flavonols, acid derivatives, hydroxycinnamic and gallic acids) in the barks of the plant. The quantitative analysis in flavanoid and polyphenolic compounds of the hydro-ethanolic extract and four fractions (F1, F2, F3 and F4) varied between 500-589.0 mgECa/100gMs and 1301.8-2340.0 mgEAG/100gMS respectively. The hydro-ethanolic extract and the fraction F1 resulted in lower flavonoïd and total polyphenols amounts while those of fractions F3 and F4 are higher than the last two ones. The vermicide activity on the earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) showed that the paralysis time and the case fatality rate were dose-dependent and depended on the total polyphenols amount. That showed a high enough activity of fractions F3 and F4 relative to that of the hydro-ethanolic extract and the F1 fraction. Those results were more significant compared with those of Albendazole. That coumpoud remained inactive after 2 hours at all concentrations, 72 hours should elapse to note 50% of death. Contrary to l'Albendazole, the Levamisole showed a high reactivity because we noted 100% of death at the lowest concentration after 30 minutes.