History: Gleno Humeral Internal Rotation Deficit (GHIRD) is one of most controversial joint diseases in terms of diagnosis and treatment. The use of arthroscopy has improved the recognition of pathologic findings in Gleno Humeral Internal Rotation Deficit (GHIRD) and allowed a better understanding of the etiology of it and the correlation between symptoms and lesion patterns. We present our technique for arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release in athlete with symptomatic Gleno Humeral Internal Rotation Deficit (GIRD) that was unresponsive to non-operative treatment and was preventing him from returning to sport. By this technique resulted in a successful outcome. We evaluate a 28 years old male with right shoulder pain and limitation in abduction inter-nanal rotation after 3 months conservative treatment. We performed Arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release. After 2 months correspondingly we performed follow-up assessments on shoulder function (using the ases and rowe score) and pain (using a visual analogue scale) were made.
Discussion: Arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release can be recommended as a reasonable operative solution for overhead athletes with symptomatic GIRD that has not respondent to conservative management.
Solution : Evaluation of patient in whom we performed arthroscopic repair base on ases and rowe score.
Final Outcome : Arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release showed satisfactory shoulder function after 2 months follow up correspondingly.