Treatment of cancers using all the different therapeutic means is extremely difficult. Hence, literature search was carried out with a view to determining reasons for unsuccessful cancer treatment. Findings have shown that acute myeloid leukemia has lowest tumor doubling time (2.5 day) and tumor growth delay (8.3 day) as compared with chronic myeloid leukemia (8.0; 26.6 day), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (5.7; 18.9 day), chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (781; 2592.9 day), lung cancer (114; 328.5 day), skin cancer (147; 488.0 day), breast cancer (152; 504.6 day), prostate cancer (219; 727.1 day) and colon cancer (391; 1298.1 day) respectively. Chronic lymphoblastic leukemia is the fastest metastasized having specific growth rate (SGR) of 0.09% followed by colon (0.2%), prostate (0.3%), breast, skin (0.5%) and lung (0.5%) cancers. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia have very low chance of metastasis with SGR of 12, 12 and 27.7%, respectively. SGR of lymphoma of spleen, ovary and kidney, multiple myeloma, mastocytosis and leukemia of gastrointestinal tract (< 0.09%) suggest high level of metastasis. But the tumor cell kill by anticancer drug is highest in chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, followed by cancers of colon, prostate, breast, skin, lung, chronic myeloid leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia respectively. Specific growth rate (SGR) of uterine leiomyoma (10.7%) for mixed breed, vaginal leiomyoma for Blue Heeler (4.1%), leiomyoma with adenomyosis and cystic endometrial hyperplasia for Labrador retriever (14.1 %, 5.2 %) are similar with that of uterine leiomyoma (9.05 %), ovarian serious carcinoma (8.7 %), ovarian solid metastasis (8.7 %), bilateral ovarian psammocarcinoma (1.05 %) of woman. But tumor doubling potential is 0.015 – 0.66 days in bitch as compared to 0.08 – 0.66 in women, signifying that there is high level of similarity in homogenesis of leiomyomas of genital tract. Hence, bitches could be used as models for human leiomyoma.
Keywords: Cancer; Tumor cell kill; Tumor growth delay; Specific growth; Tumor-doubling potential
Specific Growth Rate - SGR