Received: March 28, 2020 Accepted: April 01, 2020 Published: April 02, 2020
Hand hygiene is critical to reducing colonization and infection of the hands of all people. It is not only important to sanitize hands of health care professionals but equally significant for patients and even for general public. This will decrease the transmission of microorganisms to patients, ultimately reducing morbidity, mortality and costs associated infections. Data suggests that more than 1.4 million patients in developed and developing countries worldwide are affected at any time. There is ample evidence that hand antisepsis reduces the transmission of pathogens and it has become more important to address the problem in front of viruses like COVID-19. At one side inoculation of habit of sanitization is challenging job but on the other side availability of correct sanitizer particularly hand sanitizer is bigger challenge. The available sanitizers are mostly alcohol based which are hazardous for a longer period of use, available non alcohol based sanitizers are also not free from toxicity levels. The present paper describes the method of preparation of five formulations of Green sanitizers which are either non alcoholic or minimize the use of alcohol. The prepared sanitizers have been tested against twelve microorganisms and it has been found that sanitization capacity of these is equal or better then available hand sanitizers.