39th World Seminar on Pharmacology & Drug Development
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Accepted Abstracts

Evaluation of Proximate Mineral, Vitamin and Antinutrient Composition of Combretu Platypterum (Welw.) Hutch Dalziel. (Combretaceae) Leaves

Michael Onyegbulam Chukwuma*
University of Nigeria, Nsukka,Nigeria.

Citation: Chukwuma MO (2023) Evaluation of Proximate Mineral, Vitamin and Antinutrient Composition of Combretu Platypterum (Welw.) Hutch Dalziel. (Combretaceae) Leaves. SciTech Central Pharma 2023.

Received: April 26, 2023         Accepted: April 27, 2023         Published: April 27, 2023


Background: Combretum platypterum (Welw.) Hutch. & Dalziel. (Combretaceae) leaves are used to treatjaundice and hepatitis in South-Eastern Nigeria. Proximate elements, anti-nutrient factors,mineral and vitamin contents of plants are important factors when considering plants formedicinal and/or nutritional purposes. As various medicinal plant species are used as food alongwith their medicinal benefits, evaluating their nutritional composition can help to understand theworth of these plant species.
Objective: The aim of this research is to determine the proximatecomposition, mineral elements, vitamins, and anti-nutrients contents of Combretum platypterum(Welw.) Hutch. & Dalziel (Combretaceae) leaves.
Methods: The determinations were doneusing standard methods. Minerals were determined by AAS, the proximate and vitamins byAOAC methods. Antinutrient factors- the determination of trypsin inhibition was carried outaccording to ISO 14902: 2001(E)2001 method, oxalate concentration was determined using thepermanganate titration method, phytate was determined by the method described by Lucas andMarkaka (1975), hemagglutinin was determined according to Armtfield et al., (1985), tanninswas determined by the methods described by (WHO 2011).
Results: Mineral content: Cal 1.14mg/100g, Mg1.58 mg/100g, Mn 0.268 mg/100g, Cu 0.176 mg/100g, Zn 5.9 mg/100g, Se 0.957mg/100g, Fe 3.596 mg/100g, K 1.537 mg/100g, Na 0.6 mg/100g, phosphorus 0.58mg/100g.Proximate analysis: protein 3.327 %, moisture 4.45 %, ash 2.65%, fiber 4.3%, fat 2.20 %,carbohydrates 83.07 %. Anti-nutrients content: oxalate: 0.577 (mg/100g). phytate 0.567(mg/100g), heaglutinin 0.428 (HIU/mg), tannins 123.53 mg/100g), trypsin inhibitor 0.647±.003HIU/mg. Vitamins analysis: Vitamin C 0.328 mg/100g, vitamin D 0.227 mg/100g, vitamin E0.59 mg/100g, vitamin K 0.137 mg/100g, and vitamin A (retinol) 4.507 µg/g
Conclusion:Combretum platypterum (Welw.) Hutch. & Dalziel (Combretaceae) leaves are rich in vitaminsand micro-nutrients but minimal antinutrients. Its activities, including hepato-protective activitycould be linked to its content of antioxidant vitamins E and C, and minerals like zinc andselenium.
Keywords: Combretum platypterum, Proximate analysis, Vitamins, Nutrients