35th World Summit on COVID-19 (Part VI)
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Accepted Abstracts

Increased Cases of Acute Polyneuropathy in COVID-19 Pandemıc; What awaits Neurologısts?

Sinan Eliacik*
Hitit University School of Medicine, Turkey.

Citation: Eliacik S (2022) Increased Cases of Acute Polyneuropathy in COVID-19 Pandemıc; What awaıts Neurologısts?. SciTech Central COVID-19.

Received: July 21, 2022         Accepted: July 25, 2022         Published: July 25, 2022


Objective: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection 2019 (COVID-19) primarily affects the respiratory system but central and peripheral neurological manifestations have been increasingly recognized and reported. Our aim is to shed light on the relationship between COVID-19 and polyneuropathy.
Patients and Methods: The study consisted of patients with acute polyneuropathy that developed after the COVID-19 infection. All patients were confirmed serologically with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) positivity. In 16 patients, acute polyneuropathy was diagnosed with an electrophysiological, laboratory findings and neurological examination. All patients underwent etiological studies to exclude possible causes of polyneuropathy.
Results: The average age of the patients was 64.3 (29-83) years; most cases were female (13 vs 3). The interval between the onset of symptoms of COVID-19 and the first symptoms of acute polyneuropathy ranged from 11 to 63 (Mean:21.5) days. On electroneuromyography (ENMG), there was Acute Motor-Sensory Axonal Neuropathy (AMSAN) in 8 patients; 6 patients had Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy (AMAN) and 2 patients had Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP) findings. Five patients accepted lumbar puncture; on analysis of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), two patient had normal protein level and the others showed an albumino-cytological dissociation, increased protein in the CSF without increase in cell countcharacteristic of the GBS.
Conclusion: Awareness of the possible causal association between acute polyneuropathy and Covid-19, recommends long-term follow-up of Covid-19 patients for neurologic complications.