34th World Summit on Immuno-Microbiology, Women Health & Nursing
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Accepted Abstracts

Nutritional Status and Postpartum Depression among Indian Urban Women: Women’s Autonomy for Health and Well being

Varalakshmi Manchanandi*
School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad, India.

Citation: Manchanandi V (2023) Nutritional Status and Postpartum Depression among Indian Urban Women: Women’sAutonomy for Health and Well being. SciTech Women & Nursing 2023.

Received: November 08, 2022         Accepted: November 11, 2022         Published: November 11, 2022


Sustainable development goal three entrench health and well-being for all including reproductive, maternal and child health. Women’s education, employment and economic status are greatly affected by the decision-making autonomy of the women. Decision making autonomy in women, quality of social support closely affect the nutritional status of mothers and children and poor maternal nutrition thus remains a significant public health concern. Present study examines the decision making, nutritional status and association of Nutritional status with post partum depression among women between 8-12 weeks postpartum. Among the total women(n=130), 83.8% (n=109) felt for having least social support, 6.9% agreed forbeing part of family related decision making, 8.5% (n=11) experienced stress very often and 60.8% often, nine women said they could take part with their spouse about reproductive and family making decisions, 70.8% (n=92) revealed their spouse as decision makers. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) was used to assess post-Partum depression (PPD) among women. A total of 11 (8.5%) women were unlikely to have depression, 89 (68.5%) recorded for possible depression, 16 (12.3%) with high possibility of depression and 14 (10.8%) of them were showing depressive symptoms. Majority of the participants 81.54% (n=106) were consuming less than 4 food groups per day, and only 1.54% (n=2) women showed high dietary diversity and about 28% women were under nourished.
Conclusion: Women’s decision-making autonomy to be considered as a determinant of their health and nutritional status. There is a need to incorporate health and nutritional strategies to educate families and further research is recommended to examine the socio-cultural factors on women’s well being.
Keywords: Women’s decision-making autonomy, Nutritional status, Postpartum depression, Well being