10th World Summit on Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
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Accepted Abstracts

Understanding Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: Pathophysiology and Classification

Moueden Mohamed Amine*
University of Oran, Algeria

Citation: Amine MM (2020) Understanding Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: Pathophysiology and Classification. SciTech Immuno-Microbiology 2020

Received: July 29, 2020         Accepted: July 31, 2020         Published: July 31, 2020


Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHAI) is acquired extra corpuscular hemolysis caused by auto antibodies directed against red blood cells (RBCs). These auto antibodies are present on RBCs.  and / or in plasma. And they are often directed against high incidence antigens.
The AHAI is not rare and 2/3 of disease is seen in women.
There are 03 types of antibodies:
Warm-antibody type: The auto antibodies in warm AIHA have temperature optimum at 37°C and they are of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) class in most cases, IgA auto antibodies occur in 15–20% of the patients.
Cold-antibody type: observed in cold agglutinin disease (CAD). The auto antibodies in cold AIHA have temperature optimum of 3-4°C .More than 90% of pathogenic CA are of the IgM class.
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria,
Mixed warm- and cold-antibody AIHA is very rare.
- Acute AHAIs are generally post-infectious, most often viral and chronic AHAI are often observed following autoimmune pathologies as malignant lymphoid proliferation.
Several mechanisms are involved in AIHA we can cite:
  • Similarities in structures between some antigen of the erythrocyte membrane and other antigens introduced into the body would lead to a cross-immune response like Mycoplasma pneumoniaepneumonia and antigen I.
  • Dysregulation of the immune system: deficit in regulatory lymphocytes (Alpha methyl dopa can block suppressor T cells and thus cause AHAI).
  • Activation of autoreactive cells.
  • Family forms: Some class II of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) HLA-DQB1 and HLADRB1.
The mechanism of hemolysis depends on the type of antibody, we can seen: IgG dependent erythrophagocytosis, complement dependent erythrophagocytosis and complete intravascular hemolysis , here the antibody can activate completely the classic pathway of complement .
  • A better knowledge of the pathophysiology, allows to adapt the appropriate therapeutic protocol.
Keywords:  Hemolysis , Autoantibodies, Warm ,Cold, Complement