14th World Summit on Management Sciences (Part II)
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Accepted Abstracts

Analysis of the Strategies of the Film Chains That Have Determined Their Market Structure: Cinepolis Approach

Jose G Vargas-Hernandez* and Kevin A Becerra-Rodriguez
University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Citation: Vargas-Hernandez JG, Becerra-Rodriguez KA (2021) Analysis of the Strategies of the Film Chains That Have Determined Their Market Structure: Cinepolis Approach. SciTech Management Sciences 2021. 

Received: December 03, 2020         Accepted: December 05, 2020         Published: December 05, 2020


This work identifies the market structure to which Cinépolis belongs through the strategies of differentiation (innovation and localization) and the one based on the resources executed by Cinépolis and Cinemex. It is analyzed through the structure-behavior-performance model of the industry. with a focus on Cinépolis, in a way that made it possible to understand the proposal of the COFECE regarding the fact that fewer companies do not always mean less competition, since the number of competitors does not determine the competition, but rather those that have the capacity to convert a consecutive to simultaneous game through the use of their resources and capabilities, being innovative in quality and variety, thus generating greater utility for consumers through prices determined by the market.
Keywords: Strategy, Market structure, Oligopoly, Movie theater chains