14th World Summit on Management Sciences (Part II)
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Accepted Abstracts

Buyer Engagement Studies on Indonesian B2b Marketplaces: The Influence of Perceived Value, Technology Adoption, the Level of Value Orientation, and Customer Satisfaction

Muhamad1, Edi Abdurachman1, Amalia E. Maulana1, Pantri Heriyati1, Kadek Wiweka2
1Binus University, Indonesia
2University of Angers, France

Citation: Muhamad, Abdurachman E, Maulana AE, Heriyati P, Wiweka K (2021) Buyer Engagement Studies on Indonesian B2b Marketplaces: The Influence of Perceived Value, Technology Adoption, the Level of Value Orientation, and Customer Satisfaction. SciTech Management Sciences 2021. 

Received: January 18, 2021         Accepted: January 20, 2021         Published: January 20, 2021


One of the keys so that B2B e-commerce can continue to grow and provide benefits to its users is to build long-term relationships with customers, calls Buyer Engagement. To improve the quality of long-term customer relationships, businesses need to also increase customer satisfaction. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that perceived value has an effect on customer satisfaction. Perceived value affects customer satisfaction which is moderated by the level of value orientation. Technology adoption affects customer satisfaction. Technology adoption affects customer satisfaction which is moderated by the level of value orientation. Then the last hypothesis that customer satisfaction affects customer engagement. The population in this study are buyers who have transacted B2B e-marketplace in Indonesia. The sampling technique is carried out using proportional random sampling or depending on the size of the company and the number of samples is 245. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS). SEM PLS analysis is used to analyze the effect of perceived value and technology adoption on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it is continued with the analysis of the influence of customer satisfaction on customer involvement. The survey was conducted based on the characteristics of the respondents which included type of company, position, work experience, transaction status and number of employees. The results of this study find that perceived value, technology adoption, affects customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction affects Buyer Engagement in B2B e-Marketplace in Indonesia.
Keywords: Perceived value, Technology adoption, The level of value orientation, Customer satisfaction, Buyer engagement, B2B e-marketplace