8th World Summit on Management Sciences
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Accepted Abstracts

Transport Strategy for Addis Ababa City (TSAAC)

Allachew Seyoum*
Addis Ababa Transport Bureau, Ethiopia

Citation: Seyoum A (2020) Transport Strategy for Addis Ababa City (TSAAC). SciTech Management Sciences 2020. Thailand 

Received: February 04, 2020         Accepted: February 10, 2020         Published: February 10, 2020


Transportation Strategy for Addis Ababa City (TSAAC) focuses on creating sustainable transportation system by shifting investment from motorized to non-motorized transportation. Expansion of sustainable modes of transportation that are integrated, safe, efficient and affordable is the goal of the strategy. Besides, the strategy is expected to guide the development of road infrastructure and management of travel demand by personal automobiles. The strategic plan is prepared based on the 11 policy issues listed on the Addis Ababa Transport Policy document. The policy provides a general guideline but for a growing city with an extremely complex land-use and transport issues, a strategy that addresses the emerging challenges of the city is much needed. Using the transport policy issues as a basis, the Transport Strategy for Addis Ababa City (TSAAC) has developed five strategic directions namely; Integrated Land Use and Transportation Planning and Development, Infrastructure Development, Traffic Management and Safety, Public Transport Service Improvement, and Institutional Capacity Building. For each strategic direction, there are ‘proposed measures’, and those measures are further translated into action items. At the end of the report, the social, economic and environmental implicating of the proposed measures, their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the potential implementing agencies are listed. Implementation is one of the most important aspects of the strategy development process, therefore, in this report, implementation strategies are discussed by focusing on the basic transport and urban land-use goals of the city for successful implementation.