World Summit on Oral Health and Dentistry Part II
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Accepted Abstracts

Soft Tissue and Bone Augmentation Techniques to Correct Tissue Deficiency When Placing and Restoring Maxillary Anterior Dental Implants.

Nkem Obiechina*
Columbia University Periodontics Alumni, New York City, USA

Citation: Obiechina N (2021) Soft Tissue and Bone Augmentation Techniques to Correct Tissue Deficiency When Placing and Restoring Maxillary Anterior Dental Implants. SciTech Central Dentistry 2021.

Received: November 19, 2021         Accepted: November 20, 2021         Published: November 20, 2021


The anterior maxilla presents with major challenges for dental practitioners because the goal is dental implant placement that allows creation of esthetic and functional restorations which are in harmony with adjacent teeth and a patient’s personality. One of the major factors to accomplishing this is having adequate tissue contours in the dental implant site so that soft tissue around the implant site is consistent with that of adjacent teeth.While the success rate for implants in the anterior maxilla is similar toother parts of the mouth, the potential for esthetic compromise makes it important that key modifications are implemented. During dental implant treatment planning, factors such as those related to bone and ridge dimensions, positioning of implants, gingival phenotype, and other factors such as smile line and smile length affect both the pink and white esthetic outcomes of maxillary implant restorations.  When defects exist in soft tissue they can also potentially contribute to esthetic failures in the maxilla. This presentation reviews treatment planning in the anterior maxilla, soft tissue and bone dimensions that are necessary for esthetic and functional success as well as techniques that are utilized to correct tissue deficiency in the anterior maxilla.