The Geriatric population is growing as a result of increasing life expectancies nowadays. Actually patient’s education influence the development of health, especially the dental health too. Edentulism cases showed public awareness of the importance in maintaining the oral health, function and quality of life in Geriatric population. Preventive attitudes and promotion metode for maintaining oral health are the ways for eliminate oral diseases. Dental services for Geriatric population are affected by the cost of dental services, dental clinic insurance , dental clinics access, debt and needs. Prosthodontics treatment to improve missing tooth replacements increasing every year. Losing tooth has negative impact on mastication, aesthethic and oral health-related qualtiy of life. Bone resorption can occur for many reasons, including age, infection,trauma, metabolic disorders and nutritional deficiences. The resorption of alveolar bone especially in medically compromised patients, is caused by focalinfections in the mouthand systemics diseases. Periodontitis or other chronic infections resulted from bacterical and host inflammatory cells. The residual ridge resorption (RRR) is happened by loss of bone support after long period of extraction procedures .The dental treatment as rootcanal or filled caries can reduce tooth extraction. When loss of teeth and RRR dentures have made to improve good occlusion. Monitoring occlucal load are neccessary to keep and maintain RRR. Periodic control, consumption vitamins, oral rinse. topical gels and intake of nutritious foods affect the good function of dentures. Otherwise good function in mastication improve the health of Geriatric population.
Keywords: Geriatric population, Edentulism, Residual Ridge Resorption ( RRR), Quality of life