Annually, 3000 RTA casualties die in Kenya. Emergency care has remained a challenge in developing countries. Emergency preparedness (EP) in public hospitals has been wanting. This study sought to assess the EP and practice of the emergency care among RTA patients attended at the ECRH. Survey design was used and study conducted at ECRH emergency departments (ED). Target population comprised RTA patients and the healthcare providers. A sample size of 129 RTA patients was calculated and a census of all the 74 healthcare providers attached at ED. Study tools were; interview schedule (RTA patients) and a questionnaire (providers). Purposive sampling was used; the accessible and consenting were included. The study response rate of the study was 86% and 82.4% for the patients and providers respectively (111 patients and 61 providers). Majority of the RTA patients were on a motorcycle (40.5%) while 20.7% were pedestrians. Majority (84%) of those using motorcycles weren’t using helmets while 51.3% of those using vehicles hadn’t bungled-up. Most patients (57.7%) were brought on taxis while 18.9% in ambulances. About 49.5% reached the ED within the first hour. Majority of the providers at the ED, had only basic level training in their various cadres, 41.0% having done general nursing. All cadres were said to be inadequate (88.5% for both doctors and clinicians) and 95.1% for the nurses. In conclusion, whereas the healthcare providers at the ED did their best to render quality, prompt and efficient emergency care to the RTA patients, there is need to improve the EP by promoting the training of the healthcare providers, boosting their numbers, improving the infrastructure with adequate and modernized equipment and supplies.
Keywords: Emergency preparedness, Emergency care, Road traffic accident