Background of the study: Social networks have had a major influence on student’s performance in recent years. These networks create many opportunities and threats for students in various fields. Addiction to social networking and its impact on student’s academic performance caused the researcher to design and conduct this study. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social networking addiction and academic performance of teenagers
- To identify the dependence on social networking sites among teenagers.
- To assess the academic performance of teenagers.
- To find out the association between dependency on social networking sites & academic performance
- To determine the relationship between the dependence on social networking sites & academic performance
Methodology: In this cross-sectional, 220teenagers were enrolled by Disproportionate stratified random sampling. The study tools included socio demographic information form and the structured Social media Addiction Scale and self structured academic assessment scale .Also, the students overall grade obtained in previous educational term was considered as the indicator of academic performance. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statitistics.
Results: Out of 220 teenagers mild addiction group 13.6% had excellent academic performance; in the moderate and severe addiction level the 11.9% and 1.4% respectively had excellent academic performance. Similarly proportions of students with good Academic Performance decreases with increase in level of addiction. This indicated the academic performance level is inversely associated with social media addiction level (p= 0.000). This implies that student addictiveness to social networking sites has a significant influence on their academic performance
Findings: The social networking addiction of the students was at moderate level and the male students had a higher level of addiction compared to the female students. There was a negative and significant relationship between the overall use of social networks and academic performance of students.
Keywords: Teenagers, Social networking sites, Addiction, Academic performance