Background: Job satisfaction among nurses is a topic of global concern. Nurses are at risk for low job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is associated with nurses’ performance, outcomes, turnover, and quality of care.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate job satisfaction and contributing factors among nurses.
Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational design was used. A convenient sample of 280 nurses working in two health care institutions at Abha was enrolled. The McCloskey-Mueller Satisfaction Scale was used. Science Direct, EBSCO, and CINALH databases were used for literature. Data were collected between January and March 2020 at Abha, the south region of Saudi Arabia.
Result: The sample included 280 participants (62.5% female and 37.5% male). The overall mean satisfaction of the study participants was (104.24±24.61). According to satisfaction factors, the highest mean was attained in the satisfaction with co-workers and the lowest mean was satisfaction with family/work balance.
Conclusion: The findings reveal that the nurses are moderately satisfied with their work environment. However, some factors of dissatisfaction were noted such as compensation for working weekends and opportunities to write and publish nursing research. Implications for Nursing and Health Policy. Support is needed from nurse stakeholders to treat nurses’ job satisfaction as a key concept within productive healthcare organizations to increase nurses’ dedication to stay and enhance the quality of nurses’ life and nursing care. Therefore, the current study recommended that the health care system administers should work on the improvement of modifiable factors that affect positively nurses’ job satisfaction.
Keywords: Administration, Job satisfaction, Nurses, Retention, Turnover, Work environment