COVID-19 virus defined as illness caused by a novel coronavirus which first discovered in Wuhan City, China. And On January 30, 2020, the WHO awarded the global health emergency. This is a review of COVID-19's highly affects on almost all the organs and how we precaution and management as the COVID-19 causes many systemic abnormalities like inflammation, endotheliitis, vasoconstriction, hypercoagulability, edema and Lymphocytopenia, with elevated D-dimer, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Deep vein thrombosis and venous, thrombosis with pulmonary embolization, systemic and pulmonary arterial thrombosis, embolism are reported, ischemic stroke changes, and myocardial infarction are reported also. It can lead to acute coronary syndrome, with heart failure and myocarditis, arrhythmias. Kidney affection was usually secondary to systemic allover disturbances. Stroke may occurred. Delirium and seizures symptoms are common. Impaired the tastes are reported with Psychological disturbances are commonly, Lactate dehydrogenase may be elevated. Many skin manifestations including patchy erythematous rash are noticeable, One of the biggest barriers standing in the way of ending the pandemic the misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines. At this critical time the Demand for vaccines very effective as it rigorously tested and found to be safe, also Vaccines have no effect on recipients’ genetic material and not effect on fertilization also Antibodies from are estimated to last two to four months, so those who have had a previous infection still get this vaccinated.
Keywords: Coronavirus, Vaccine