10th World Summit on Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
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Accepted Abstracts

Effect of Volatile and Non-Volatile Compounds of Trichoderma Spp. Against Aggregate Sheath Spot of Rice in Manipur

Vignesh P*, L Nongdren Kombhasingh, Bireswar Sinha
Central Agricultural University, India

Citation: P Vignesh, Kombhasingh LN, Sinha B (2020) Effect of Volatile and Non-Volatile Compounds of Trichoderma Spp. Against Aggregate Sheath Spot of Rice in Manipur. SciTech Immuno-Microbiology 2020

Received: July 27, 2020         Accepted: July 31, 2020         Published: July 31, 2020


Aggregate sheath spot of rice are caused by Ceratorhizaoryzae-sativae (Sawada) Mordue. Although Aggregate sheath spot is usually considered as a minor disease, it can be a very aggressive disease of rice under favorable condition. Among different fungal diseases of rice, aggregate sheath spot of rice has currently found in the valley districts of Manipur. The disease symptoms vary from sheath blight as characterized by oval lesions with green or gray centers surrounded by a distinct brown margin and several lesions can occur together. The pathogenicity test of the disease was confirmed at the Plant pathology Department. Initially morphological study showed the pathogen character as Rhizoctonia spp. and molecular studies confirmed the pathogen as Ceratorhizaoryzae-sativae with NCBI Accession number (MH255604). In this present study, six Trichoderma isolates were tested against Ceratorhizaoryzae-sativae through volatile and non-volatile compounds. In volatile compounds T. harzianum (KU904458) with 47.05% was most effective for control. Moreover, non-volatile compounds tested with two different concentrations of 7.5% and 15%, T. asperellum (KU933475) was showed most inhibition percentage in both concentrationswith 60.59% and 65.68% respectively.
Key words: Pathogenicity test, Accession number,Volatile and Non-Volatile compounds