8th World Summit on Management Sciences
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Accepted Abstracts

The Impact of Banking Industry on Customers Perception of Privacy, Risk and Security on Internet Banking Usage

Mukolu Maureen Obi*
Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

Citation: Obi MM (2020) The Impact of Banking Industry on Customers Perception of Privacy, Risk and Security on Internet Banking Usage. SciTech Management Sciences 2020. Thailand 

Received: December 02, 2019         Accepted: December 09, 2019         Published: December 09, 2019


Despite being closely linked in practice, privacy, risk and security are perceived as separate issues by online users. Therefore, in this article the relationship between various privacy factors (factors that influence users’ privacy concerns), risk and the perception of security protection. During users’ online activities is discussed. The role that perceived privacy, risk and perceived Security have on the internet service users’ is investigated. The study Population comprises of bank customers at various locations and branches in On do state, Ekiti state, Lagos state, Kwara state, Kaduna state and Abuja respectively. Random sampling technique was adopted in the study for a total sampling size of two hundred (200) bank customers through a well-structured questionnaire which was adopted and re-modified. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools were used for the analysis of the retrieved questionnaire such as frequency, percentage, correlations and regressive analysisrespectively,analysis to test correlation between variables and showed strong positive strong correlationbetweenmostofthe variables;the correlationsare significantat.01 which are within acceptable confidence level. The model however, displayed good fit and the null hypotheses were therefore rejected and it is concluded that there is significant relationship between customers’ perception of privacy, risk and security on internet banking.