8th World Summit on Management Sciences
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Accepted Abstracts

Evaluation of Possible Anthropometric Advantage in Sit-Up Test

David Dwight Peterson*
Cedarville University, USA

Citation: Peterson DD (2020) Evaluation of Possible Anthropometric Advantage in Sit-Up Test. SciTech Management Sciences 2020. Thailand 

Received: January 22, 2020         Accepted: January 29, 2020         Published: January 29, 2020


The U.S. Navy currently employs sit-ups as part of its semi-annual physical fitness in order to assess the abdominal muscular endurance of service-members. However, there is speculation that sit-up performance may be associated with anthropometric proportions thereby affording certain service-members with a biomechanical advantage. To test this theory, anthropometric measurements were taken at various sites (i.e., humerus, torso, femur, and tibia) across a convenience sample of 69 participants (37 male / 32 female), to include student, active duty, and retired military personnel from the United States Naval Academy. Humerus length (r = .297), tibia length (r = .385) and sex (r = .314) were all found to be moderately correlated with sit-up performance. These findings, coupled with well- documented concerns of the sit-ups in terms of safety and relevance in the literature, make a compelling argument for the identification and implementation of other potential field tests to assess abdominal muscular endurance.
Keywords: Military physical fitness test, Sit up test, Anthropometric measurements