8th World Summit on Management Sciences
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Accepted Abstracts

Influence of Project Strengthening on Project Outcomes in United Nations Agencies in Kenya

Ronald Kwena*
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Citation: Kwena R (2020) Influence of Project Strengthening on Project Outcomes in United Nations Agencies in Kenya. SciTech Management Sciences 2020. Thailand 

Received: February 06, 2020         Accepted: February 10, 2020         Published: February 10, 2020


UN agencies have valid interests in capacity building amid humanitarian action as a means to deliver project outcomes more efficiently, effectively, sustainably and in a relevant manner. The agencies also have a responsibility to ensure that local and national sectors are ultimately better able to take charge of their own work. Difficulties arise because these short- and long-term goals generally require different strategies, partnerships and funding mechanisms. These differing and sometimes conflicting goals need to be managed better if the sector is to match its rhetoric with on-the-ground programming choices.
This study covered 13 project outcome areas in UN Agencies in Kenya; early recovery, health, food security, Nutrition, education, protection, shelter, WASH, logistics, camp management, emergency telecommunication, environment and HIV / AIDS.  233 project managers provided information for this study. 
The findings revealed that project strengthening positively influenced project outcomes. Results of the inferential statistics showed that availability of project funds; a component of project strengthening had a major positive influence on project outcomes. Monitoring and evaluation structures, a component of project strengthening had a significant positive influence on project outcomes.
Compliance to scope and schedule variations management reduced budgetary constraints, cost over runs, interference with implementation of the project schedule, insufficient capital to run project activities and enhanced compliance to statutory and regulatory obligations.
Keywords: Project Strengthening, Project Outcomes, Availability of project funds, Monitoring and evaluation structures, Compliance to scope and Schedule variations management