14th World Summit on Management Sciences (Part II)
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Accepted Abstracts

The Notion of State Sovereignty in Perspective of Non-developed States: Does Developing Country has Real State Sovereignty?

Lamessa Gudeta Guder*
Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia

Cittaion: Guder LG (2021) The Notion of State Sovereignty in Perspective of Non-developed States: Does Developing Country has Real State Sovereignty?. SciTech Management Sciences 2021. 

Received: November 25, 2020         Accepted: November 27, 2020         Published: November 28, 2020


The notion of state sovereignty is not a recent phenomenon. The practice began with the Peace of Westphalia, drawn up in 1648 to end the Thirty Years' War in Europe.  Although sovereignty has existed for more than three centuries, the concept of sovereignty has not been with humankind since societies were created: sovereignty is a relatively new concept for human beings, one that is evolving through negotiations over the centuries; started with the emergency of state. However, the principles which recognize all state as sovereign regardless of their status is not working practically.
I argue that state sovereignty is a power the state exercise to administer their internal affairs without any interference from external sources. However, powerless countries have no sovereignty.  It has been observed where sovereignty of developing states has been violated repeatedly by super powers under pretext of humanitarian intervention, economic aid, Investment, Trade co-operation, Trans-national companies using various western NGO’s. In such way poor countries state sovereignty is violating from time to time due to their weakness/powerlessness. However, we have never witnessed where superpower countries sovereignty is violated. So to ensure the enforcement of state sovereignty and to be on equal bargaining power, state must create economic strength. Hence upholding state sovereignty is dependent on better economic position.