14th World Summit on Management Sciences (Part II)
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Accepted Abstracts

Wetland Bird Species Diversity and Conservation Challenges in Arekit Lake, Southern Ethiopia

Belete Tilahun1*, Teklebrehan Kidane3, Abera Hailu2, Kassahun Abie2 And Azmeraw Alemkere4
1University of Helsinki, Europe
2Wolkite University, Ethiopia.                                
3Adigrat University, Ethiopia.
4Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.

Citation: tilahun B, Kidane T, hailu A, Abie K, Alemkere A (2021) Wetland Bird Species Diversity and Conservation Challenges in Arekit Lake, Southern Ethiopia. SciTech Management Sciences 2021. 

Received: December 18, 2020         Accepted: December 22, 2020         Published: December 22, 2020


Despite, Lake Arekit is the potential area for avifaunal diversity and conservation; it faced with serious challenges that may leads to disappearance of the lake in near future. Moreover, there is inadequate scientific information about the bird diversity and conservation challenges faced on the study area. Having these research gaps, the study aimed to explore bird species diversity and conservation challenges faced on Lake Arekit. Total count method along shoreline of the lake was employed to assess bird species. Threats of the lake were collected through field observation and with key informant interview. Data was analysed through two sampled T-test and Species diversity indexes. The study revealed that a total of 56 bird species which belonged to 23 families were found during the study period. Of these, 47 and 24 bird species recorded during dry and wet seasons, respectively. While, 18 bird species were common to both seasons. Bird species richness was showed significant difference with the seasons of the study area (t=1.98, P<0.05). Similarly, the relative abundance of bird species between the wet and dry seasons was significant difference during the study period (t=2.23, P>0.05). Lake Arekit comprehended of one endemic, three near-endemic bird species and five species with IUCN vulnerable status; it indicated that the lake was qualified the criteria to be as Important Bird Area (IBA). Despite the lake is too small in area, it is paradise of spectacular wintering, migrant and resident bird species. Hence, the bird species conservation importance of Lake Arekite is not proportionate with area coverage the site. However, the area faced with annoying threats such expansion of urbanization with unwise waste disposals, siltation, competing agricultural expansion and the like were some of them. Hence, respective stakeholders have to be standing for conservation this lake for sustainable development of the area.
Keywords: Bird diversity, Conservation challenge, Lake Arekit.