14th World Summit on Management Sciences (Part II)
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Accepted Abstracts

Method of Reducing Subjectivity for Selecting a Project Manager

Neroslavsky Igor*
Institute of IT and Business Administration, Belarus

Citation: Igor N (2021) Method of Reducing Subjectivity for Selecting a Project Manager. SciTech Management Sciences 2021. 

Received: January 06, 2021         Accepted: January 07, 2021         Published: January 07, 2021


We came to the topic of this presentation quite by accident: our boss instructed us to think about how to exclude subjectivity when appointing managers and specialists to projects. Different companies have their own rules and procedures for hiring specialists. Most often, these are questionnaires, conversation, interviews, which are also multi-stage. However, having thus obtained information about the candidates, subsequent decisions are largely subjective. Of course, the most interesting is the appointment of project managers. Analyzing the causes of failed projects, it can be concluded that all the causes of failures do not lie in the technology and in the social sphere. Moreover, these reasons are in the purview of the project manager. Competence is the project manager is so wide that it is impossible to confine a single list. That is, in case the project manager acts known law "immensity." This is determined by the nature of projects, their complexity and the influence on them of many factors. We can define what should not be a project manager. "Five NOs" - five signs of what should not be a project manager. But this does not solve the problem of choosing a leader. To reduce subjectivity in the choice of the project manager (and in a broader sense - the manager or specialist), proposed to use the analytic hierarchy process, Saaty proposed and widely used in various applications. The presentation details the procedure for selecting alternative candidates for the position of project manager. Using this technique, you can significantly reduce the proportion of subjectivity in the selection of project managers. This means increasing the likelihood of successful project implementation.
Keywords: Project manager, Criteria, Multiple alternatives, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Thomas Saaty.