Dr. H.C. Yashavantha Rao is an accomplished Research Scientist in Cancer Biology. He obtainied his Doctoral degree and Masters degree in Microbiology at Microbial Drugs Laboratory, Department of Studies in Microbiology, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, India. He is working in the field of Cancer Biology as well as biodiscovery of anti-infective drugs from endophytic fungi and actinomycetes associated with medicinal plants. He have been invited as a ‘Speaker’ for several International conferences held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Singapore to mention in few. He has published many scientific research articles in high impact international peer reviewed journals. He has also published book chapters, serves as Editor in reputed journals and bagged several awards from different organizations. His areas of research are multidisciplinary, which are as but not limited to: Bioprespecting of Microbial endophytes, Natural products chemistry, Anti-cancer drugs, Microbial genomics, Nano biotechnology, Management of infectious diseases and multidrug resistant pathogens.
Research InterestResearch Interest
Our main research interest focuses on T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-directed signal transduction pathways in T lymphocytes, as well as a comparative analysis of signal transduction mechanisms in normal versus transformed cells. We aim at identifying and characterizing the mechanism of action of several important effector molecules in T lymphocytes and study their role in the immunological synapse. Among the proteins that we study are protein kinase C theta (PKCθ), ZAP-70, Crk and PICOT. PKCθ and ZAP-70 are essential for the regulation of T lymphocyte activation and differentiation, are key molecules in the immunological synapse of TCR triggered T cells, and their absence leads to immune deficiencies. The Crk adaptor proteins are involved in the regulation of signaling mechanisms downstream of the TCR, while PICOT, which associates with PKCθ in T lymphocytes and was found to be essential for embryonic development is highly expressed in several types of malignancies, including human leukemia, although its exact biological role is still enigmatic.
Theoretical chemistry, Physical chemistry, Mathematical chemistry, Computational chemistry, Molecular modelling, Simulation and design, Computer-aided drug design and development, Molecular graphics and representation of molecular properties.
Dr. Praveen Kumar Sharma has received his PhD in Chemistry from Rajasthan University, Jaipur, India. Currently, he is working as Associate Professor in Department of Chemistry, Lovely Professional University, India. He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Journal of Science Education. He has served as Scientific Board of Civil & Environmental Engineers board member for International Institute of Engineers etc. He has authored 22 research articles of international repute. He is a Life member of Indian Science Congress Association of India.
Dr. Kaushal Kishor Prasad (KKP) is Professor & Chief of the Division of Gastrointestinal Histopathology in the Department of Superspeciality of Gastroenterology at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India. KKP has modified the Marsh-Oberhuber classification of celiac disease, developed the grading system of histological lesions in celiac disease; histological scoring and grading system of lesions in ulcerative colitis; coined the term “Follicular esophagitis” for a novel histopathological entity in esophagus" and developed the rice based gluten-free composite flour cookies for celiac disease patients. His main research areas of interest are celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, microscopic colitis and abdominal tuberculosis. KKP served/serving as international editorial board member for more than 100 international journals and reviewer for more than 150 international journals. He has received 37 awards in international and national scientific forums including V R Khanolkar and S R Naik award. KKP has authored 100 papers and has contributed 15 book chapter/ books in the field of Gastroenterology. KKP has published 17 papers on celiac disease in international journals of high repute and 3 articles in national journals. He had completed several research projects and he is member of ICMR expert group to review of research project proposals for extramural grant. Under his guidance 45 students (MD, PhD, MCh & DM) awarded their respective degrees and students has ongoing dissertation work. KKP has visited across the globe (more than 30 countries) to deliver invited lectures and to present scientific papers. He is life member/ member of 21 international and 14 national professional societies and holding key posts in several societies. He is also iconic achiever for “The International Plato Award for Educational Achievement, International Hippocrates Award for Medical Achievement, Da Vinci Diamond – For Inspirational Accomplishment” etc.
Dr. Seema Habib Isa has completed her Ph.D. at the age of 33 years from the Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. Awarded with Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science for outstanding Scientific Contribution in Chemisty by International Agency for standards and Ratings. Awarded the Prestigious Adarsh Saraswati Rashtriya Puraskar by Global Management Council of Glacier Journal Research Foundation, Ahmadabad, Gujarat. She is a Fellow of the International Association of the Science Impact (F.I.A.S.I), published more than 47 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of the National Journals and International Journals. Her area of research interest is Organic Synthesis and its applications to Inorganic Synthesis.
Andrey Nikolaevych Belousov graduate from Kharkov Medical Institute in 1988. Doctor of Medicine degree on speciality - Anesthesiology and Intensive Care since 2004. The title dissertation: “Extracorporal hemocorrection using magnet-controlled sorbent in intensive therapy of intoxication syndromes in patients with hepatopancreatoduodenales diseases”. Author a new medecine products – nanotechnology preparations based on magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) of the size 6-12 nm (www.nanolab.com.ua): the peroral form - Micromage-B (the biologically active additive officially registration in Ukraine); Magnet-controlled sorbent brand of MCS-B for extracorporal detoxication of biological liquids (officially registration in Ukraine and was allowed for medical practice); NanoBiocorrector for intravenous application – ICNB (intracorporal nanosorbent). A.N. Belousov is author new method of extracorporal hemocorrection using magnet-controlled sorbent (MCS-B). Author a new program for estimation degree the severity of the patient. Based on previously developed a universal analytical system of the physiological state of the body (PHUAS) by the author proposed a new automatic program objective assessment of the severity of the patient's condition. Overall, the program can improve health of the population in terms of underfunding by the rapid and objective examination of a large quantity of people. Early on, with the help of the developed program is made possible among surveyed identify risk groups in the severity of general condition, to determine the optimal and effective options for prevention and treatment, saving time and money for the survey, use the data to correlate them with various factors influence of the environment (ecology, nutrition, addictions, drug, vaccine, methods of intensive therapy, pharmacotherapy, etc.). The published more 230 scientific works on results application of nanotechnology preparation in experimental and practical medicine. He has got 7 patents for the invention. Author of the scientific film which focuses on the elaboration of artificial liver device and the development of a new direction in medicine – Nanotechnology. Andrey Belousov was awarded Medical Diploma of Europe “An Honorary Scholar Europe” and R. Koch medal for the scientific achievements, development of a new direction in medicine and elaboration of new method of treatment by means preparations of nanotechnology in 2008. Member of the Ukrainian and Russian Society Nanotechnology. Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, ArvinMed International PTY LTD, Australia; Editor of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Journal, iMedPub LTD, London, UK; Editorial for the Journal of Clinical Research in Pain and Anaesthesia (JCRPA), Chembio Publishers, LLC, Troy, USA; Advisory Board Members Acta Scientific Medical Sciences, India; Assistant editor-in-chief of the journal Archives of Blood Transfusion & Disorders (ABTD), Crimson Publishers, LLC, New York, USA; Editorial Board Nanosensors and Nanomaterials Journal Oscine Group Pvt Ltd., Near Manyata Embassy, Bangalore-India; Editorial Board Journal Current Trends in Bioavailability, London, United Kingdom; Editorial Board International Journal of Anaesthesia & Research, SciTech Central Inc. Walnut. USA; Associate Editors Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies, Troy, USA; Editorial Board Member in “Open Access Journal of Oncology (OAJOY)”, Troy, USA; Editorial Board “American Journal of Nano Research and Applications” Science Publishing Group. NEW YORK, U.S.A.; Editorial Board Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access (NNOA), Medwin Publishers, Troy, USA; Editorial Board Journal “Biomedicine and Therapeutics (BMT)”, Open Access Text, United Kingdom; Editorial Board Journal Archives in Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology. Iris Publishers, LLC. USA; Editorial Board Journal Integrative Pharmacology and Clinical Science. Open Access Text, London, UK; Editorial Board Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Acta Scientific, India; Editorial Board Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research. Opast Group LLC . USA. Editorial Board of International Journal of Clinical Case Studies & Reports. SciTech Central Inc. USA; Editorial Board of Journal of Clinical Research in Pain and Anaesthesia. Medwin Publishers. Chembio Publishers. Troy, USA. At now Andrey Belousov - the Head of Laboratory Applied Nanotechnologies of Belousov in Ukraine, DM, Professor of Department Anesthesiology, Intensive Care, Transfusiology and Hematology Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
Dr. Anjana Maale is currently working as professor and HOD, at Nirmala College of pharmacy; she has 12 years of teaching and research experience in find out therapies using natural products. She has received many awards like “K.K. Acharyajee memorial award” for her excellency in pharmacy subject all over India, during the academic year 2002. She has received Best teacher award twice during her 12 years of carrier. She got funding from DST-SERB for participation and presentation at ICIP-Biosimilars conference at Malaysia, kuantan. So far, she published 30 national and international publications in scopus indexed journals. She has written some of the chapters in Novel techniques in Pharmaceutical sciences.
Major Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Ph.D was born in Dec 1980. His B.Sc and M.Sc degree was in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, specializing in enzyme technology, at Khulna University, Bangladesh. He has awarded his Ph.D in Drug Development and Biomaterials from Korea Institute of Science and Technology under the affiliation, University of Science and Technology (UST), South Korea. He had outstanding research results for the inhibition of neuro-diseases such as Parkinson and Alzheimer. This was followed by a senior researcher position in the WithEL Chemicals Company Limited, Korea. Then he was commissioned in the Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in Bangladesh Army in the year 2014. He served as the head of the Biomedical Engineering department of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) from 25-11-2014 to 12-04-2016. Currently he is serving as associate professor in the same department and guiding the postgraduate and graduate students with active supervision. He has published many research papers in different international journals and patented his research works as well. He is the chairman and vigorous member of National Committee for Guideline Preparation of Medical Device Manufacturing, National Technical Committee for Medical Devices and Bio similar products Guideline development and Chemical Society of Bangladesh. He has attended and presented papers in many international conferences, congress, seminar and workshops in several countries. He is enlisted as an expert for medical devices in the WHO medical devices list server. He has written several book chapters in recent years. He is contributing as editor and reviewer for many international journals in the field of clinical engineering, medical technology, healthcare, biotechnology, bioengineering, medicine, neurosciences, and medicinal chemistry and so on. Currently, he is working as chief patron for the establishment of national biomedical engineering institute to achieve the sustainable development goal (SDG) 2030 in the health sector of Bangladesh.