3rd Global Conference on Nanomedicine, Nanobiology, Nanotechnology & Pharmacology
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Virtual Presentation

Conference Proceedings
Virtual presentation is an opportunity for the presenters who cannot join us for the conference at the venue. 
Abstract Submission 
To participate as a virtual presenter an abstract submission is required under the Oral Category. The abstract should be of maximum 350 words and minimum 200 words. The abstract will be a published in the conference website and in the conference book

                                                                                                           Submit Abstract

Presentation Submission 

The presentation is to be emailed as a video with good visual and audio quality. The presentation should be of maximum 25 minutes and minimum 20 minutes. The contact details of the presenter should be mentioned for the queries of the audience, in regard to the presentation. The presentations will be uploaded in the conference YouTube channel, for the easy access after the event. The presentation should be submitted one month before the conference after the registration process is completed. 

For any related information please email us at nanotechnology@scitcentralconferences.com or  info@scitcentralconferences.com