Elsharif A Bazie is a Associate Professor in Elimam Elmahdi University, Sudan from 2014-2017. He is currently working as Pediatric emergency specialist in Security Forces Hospital Emergency Medicine Department, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Alok M Janardhan MBBS MD (Pediatrics) is practicing pediatrician at Shrinivasa Nursing Home, Sakaleshpur, Hassan district, India. He has been treating children in rural area with majority of population below poverty line for past 7 years. He has published many original scientific research in various international journals 1."Detection of fetal malnutrition and its associated maternal factors in a rural setting", International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, sep 2019; 2."Bridging the gap- determinants of successful breastfeeding among mothers of rural india", International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health.Dec 2020; 3."Awareness and acceptance of anticipated pediatric COVID19 vaccination in rural India", International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, Sep 2021).
Smitha Namboothiri started her career as a maternity nurse and after obtaining masters degree in maternity nursing she has served as lecturer and research supervisor for undergraduate nursing students. She has experience with independent research, peer reviewing and had published articles in many international journals mainly in the area of pain. She is a member of Royal College of Nursing and International Association for the Study of Pain. She has published book chapters in the field of pain and has recently been invited to the editorial board of an international journal. She has been working in the field of radiology for the past 2 years and has newly joined the radiology team of Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is one of the top paediatric hospitals in the world.
Albert William Hotomo is a general practitioner at Alak Primary Health Care and St. Carolus Borromeus Hospital in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. His medical degree was obtained at Faculty of Medicine, Health Science of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta. He has worked as a research assistant at Center Of Health Research, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. In 2019, he took halve minor Vitality, Aging which learned about Biology of Aging in Geriatric Medicine in Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), Netherlands. He worked as a general practitioner in Emergency Ward at Umbu Rara Meha Regional Hospital, Waingapu (2020). He has presented his research in 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors, Seoul (2018), Hypertension Seoul in Conjunction with the 49th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Hypertension (2018), and Active Aging Conference & Expo, Asia Pacific, Jakarta (2019).
Debajani Deka is working as Demonstrator in Gauhati Medical College & Hospital, India. From 2019-2021 she worked as senior Resident in All india institute of Medical sciences, Jodhpur. Her publications are A study on various sites of supranuclear facial nerve lesion, Turners Syndrome in a 38 weeks old female new born child A case report. Third head of biceps Femorls A Case report etc.
Mahamoudou Sanou was Born on March 30, 1962 in Bobo Dioulasso, at the end of our doctoral thesis in pharmacy, he obtained the CES in bacteriology and virology at the University of Dakar. Back to Burkina Faso, he was appointed as the head of the garrison infirmary laboratory in 1991. From 2004 to 2006 in Brussels, he obtained the DES in Immuno-hemato-Transfusion, then the DEA in Biomedical Sciences; Then, he defended a unique thesis in virology at the University of Ouagadougou. At the hospital level, he was appointed as head of unit of the meningitis and measles reference laboratory at CHUP CDG in 2014. All these experiences earned him the appointment of CAMES assistant master in 2015. In 2016, he acquired the diploma on bacterial resistance from the Institut Pasteur in Paris and Madagascar. Since 2018 he is the associate professor of bacteriology virology and deputy coordinator of the AIDS committee of the Ministry of Defense.
Hamouda Ouanassa is a Associate Professor of Parasitology and Mycology at the department of Medicine at the University of Batna 2, Algeria. She obtained degree of doctor of general medicine in September 2004. She titled from the Diploma of Special Medical studies in Parasitology - Mycology in February 2010 and Doctorate degree in Medical Science in Parasitology-Mycology in October 2020. She is the member of the Algerian Society of Parasitology - Medical Mycology since 2006. The positions she have held are: Residents in Parasitology –Mycology between 2006-2009 at the University Hospital Center of Constantine-Algeria, Specialist in Parasitology-Mycology at EPH El oued between October 2010-March 2011, Specialist in Parasitology-Mycology at EPH Barika between March 2010-December 2011, Assistant Hospital-University at the Department of Medicine, University of Batna 2-Algeria between December 2011 –2019.
Sviatlana Kandaurava is an infectious disease specialist & chef of the Infection Control Department of the "Belarusian Research Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology, and Immunology." In 2010, she took retraining courses based on the state educational institution "Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education" in the specialty "Hematology." In 2012 - in the specialty «Oncology.» In 2018 - in the specialty «Infectious Diseases.» From 2011 to 2015, she worked as a hematologist at the Oncological-Infectious (Hematological) Department, from January 2016 to October as a hematologist at the Infection Control Department; and from 2013 to 2017 she completed her postgraduate studies in the scientific department in the specialty "Hematology and Blood Transfusion" (medical sciences). By the decision of the State Attestation Commission dated October 24, 2017, she was awarded the scientific qualification "Researcher" in the field of the specialty "Hematology and Blood Transfusion." Her Scientific interest is Mycology.
Jan Slingenbergh is a veterinarian by training, with specializations in entomology and parasitology. In 1980 he joined the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to assist the fight against African Animal Trypanosomiasis, in Benin, Mozambique, and Ethiopia. In 1991 he moved to the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. His duties encompassed the design and elaboration of strategies against Old World Screwworm Fly in the Arabian Peninsula. Gradually, his activities shifted to infectious diseases. As Head of the Animal Health Emergency Prevention System, he was able to assist in the elimination worldwide of the rinderpest virus. His scientific work covers parasitic and infectious diseases, in particular the transmission ecology of influenza viruses in the Palearctic region. In 2012 he went for early retirement to become independent consultant, living in Germany. His current focus is on researching disease ecology.