Dr. Nicola Sarandria is a Medical Doctor working in the University of Padova. He did several experiences like travelling, studying and working experiences, including living in austin (texas) in the usa to study bioinformatics at stedward’s university (by winning a scholarship and working in the bioinformatics lab of prof charles houser) in 2014, he performed the imat admission test (developed and executed by Cambridge–United Kingdom) becoming the highest scoring student of that year to get enrolled at the medical school of humanitas university in milan. He graduated from medical school with 110 cum laude (with honours) and got licensed to practice medicine and surgery and receiving also an excellence in research track (ert) diploma, awarded to me at humanitas university. He performed research within the institute of world-renowned prof alberto mantovani in the field of immune-oncology. He studied immuno-oncology and cancer genetics at harvard and he is being awarded a phd for his discoveries in the field of immuno-oncology. He is a member of the international high-iq society (with a score in the 99.5th percentile) and a writer of fiction books (winning the 5-stars readers’ favorite award). He is a referee and reviewer for oncological publishing organization.
Dr. Ghada ELGohary has graduated with honors from Ain shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt – College of Medicine in 1996. She obtained her MD in Internal Medicine from Ain Shams University – College of Medicine in April 2006. Currently, Dr EL Gohary is a Professor of Adult Hematology in Ain Shams University since October 2016- till Now. She is a Member of Hematology and of Bone Marrow Transplantation Board at Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University, Cairo besides holding a Consultant Degree in King Saud University Hospitals (KSUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since 2016 in Adult Hematology/Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant department. She has so far around 60 publications and abstracts in peer-reviewed journals Publications in different aspects of hematological and Internal medicine Disease Conditions. Her Research Interest's are Malignant Hematology, specifically Acute and Chronic Leukemia as well as different benign hematological conditions