34th World Summit on Immuno-Microbiology, Women Health & Nursing
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Accepted Abstracts

Psycho-Social Challenges of Work Life Balance among Health Professionals during the Outbreak of Covid-19 in Dire Dawa City Administration

Wondu Teshome Beharu*
College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dire Dawa University, Ethiopia.

Citation: Beharu WT (2023) Psycho-Social Challenges of Work Life Balance among Health Professionals during the Outbreak of Covid-19 in Dire Dawa City Administration. SciTech Immuno-Microbiology, Women & Nursing 2023.

Received: May 08, 2023         Accepted: May 10, 2023         Published: May 10, 2023


Psychosocial factors play a pivotal role on the lives of health professionals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial challenges of work-life balance among health professionals during the outbreak of covid-19 in Dire Dawa City Administration.This study was employed the phenomenological design with qualitative approach. A purposive sampling method was used to select the study participants.  As such, based on inclusion and exclusion criteria five married women and men health professionals were selected. Based on the above ground, health professionals from Sabian Primary Hospital and Dire Dawa University which serve as center of covid-19 in the city were purposively selected. To collect data, an interview guide-set was prepared based on the research questions and previous literatures in the areas. This study was employed thematic qualitative method of data analysis which was specifically phenomenological method (describing responses of participants in words through categorizing into different themes according to their relatedness, quoting their saying).The findings of this study revealed that thepsychological impacts are a major challenges reported by the study participants as work related stress and tension, depression, mood and sleep problem can influence their day-to-day routine tasks.A major social challenges indicated by study participants were mostly related to family and relatives issues such as missing social bonds, refraining from family visit, missing church program in baptizing kids, wedding, mourning, birth day, etc.
Keywords: Psycho-Social Challenges, Work-Life Balance, Covid-19, Health professionals